Monday, March 23, 2009

IS it a coincidence that you're all wearing Green today?

Saint Patrick's Day in London was brilliant.  Though apparently its a very American thing to dress up in crazy green outfits as several people found out when their teacher began class by making a comment similar to "Oh!  What a lovely coincidence that you all seem to bewearing green to day!  Did you all know it was Saint Patrick's Day!" and another friend had to explain to everyone at work why he had specifically worn his green shirt.  Crazy Brits! 

We really wanted to make corned beef and hash for the special day, however, upon realizing we would have to arise early in the mornin' to first purchase and then prepare the corned beef we exnayed that.  We did however, decide while walking home to make a dinner full of potatoes and all things Irish.  

A stop at Sainsbury's in Angel (the only REAL sized grocery store that exists in London apparently) found us equipped with "Irish Top Flank Steak" (purposely not the British beef), 2 huge bags of potatoes, cabbage and carrots, Irish Soda Bread and some Bailey's and Ice Cream.   (We decided Ice Cream is an international delicacy that can adopt whatever nationality we decided to assign it).   Our collection of only the best Irish ingredients and the most determined amateur chefs turned into a feast fit for kings; mashed and fried potatoes, seasoned beef, boiled cabbage and carrots and simply heavenly soda bread eaten with jam and butter, all washed down with some tasty milkshakes.  MMMMM.  

A game or two of darts at the local exmouth finished the evening with a bang before all of us succumbed to our food comas and collapsed into our beads for a well-deserved sleep.  

Ironically, despite my failure to consume more than a sip or two of alcohol in the form of a bailey's milkshake the night before, I managed not to wake up on Wednesday morning for the first half of my psych class.  I asked Topo to inform the teacher I had woken up late, but had to laugh to myself that of all days to oversleep, I chose the day after St. Paddy's, making me look like a raging alcoholic who had too much of a hangover to wake up in time for class.  Oh dear.

:) Peace! 

1 comment:

  1. by "a sip or two" I know you actually mean a liter or two of whiskey you crazy alcoholic ;)
