Sunday, January 18, 2009

SO, Miss Bodien, how does one forget their passport? Well, Cornelius . . .

As far as number one goes, a bit more explanation and a few props are in order.  I forgot my passport at home in Detroit, Yes ______(insert your name here)___ I left my passport at home.

Unfortunately, I only discovered this upon arriving at the O'Hare airport after driving through some of the more treacherous weather I've seen in my life.  Despite my normally cheery outlook, I just couldn't initially fathom anyway to get myself out of this one.

While on the phone with our director, I realized my friend, Danny D had texted me earlier telling me his flight was delayed in Detroit (in case you forgot, this is the very same city my passport has been forgotten in).  Hanging up with Judy I hurriedly dial Dan.  His phone doesn't pick up, oh dear.  Lucky for me, um . . . 1,2,3, yea i think it was, tenth time was the charm.  Dan answers confirms he'd be happy to transport my passport.  His flight is due in at five, so we should be able to make the 5:55 flight to London only an hour or so behind the 4:00p.m. flight.

So my lovely grandparents kindly agreed to brave the subzero temperatures and multi-car crashes and a two hour drive (normally forty five minutes) to drive my passport to the airport.  They weren't able to catch Dan's flight.  

BUT DON"T WORRY!  (I know you were beginning to!) The Gparents arrived safely at the airport, and after speaking with a customer service rep (we tried to call to pre-explain the situation to them, but would you believe, there's no such thing as a direct number to united airlines customer service at the detroit airport? baloney sandwich), determined they weren't able to complete the counter to counter service they had told us about.  

Counter to counter service is where they put something on a flight and then pass it off to the person at the other end.  However, they spoke personally with the captain who agreed to hand deliver it to us at the Chicago airport.  The nice man even called to let us know he had it.  

Back to the home front:
Poor sister Stephie had a big math test the next day and probably felt like doing more studying than childcare, but since the Grandparents were busy saving my behind and playing road warriors, she had to step up and take care of the littles.  Such a sweetheart :)  It'll be fun to have her down on campus with Davis (aka David) and I next year!

As Stephanie is selflessly shouldering the responsibility of the littles Gramma and Grampa (Road warriors Extreme edition) drive another two hours through a frozen tundra. During the ride, when we called to confirm things and thank them my Grampa gave me some invaluable advice . . . "Laura, your passport is kind of like your underwear, ya know? People just kind of expect you to have it.  Next time, maybe think of it as your underwear"  I think Mom just about died laughing :) 

Finally, the passport made it in, only shortly after Dan's flight got in, and following a delicious dinner, made better by Dad squirting Mom in the face with a water bottle (supposedly as payback for one time she covered him in ketchup while they were dating), my luggage was checked and I was on my way at 9:00p.m.  En route to London with Dan and our newfound friend, Shay.

Upon arriving in London, the reason I forgot my passport became apparent.  I was the only one with directions to the flat.  Really, Shay and Dan, if you wanted directions all you had to do was call, hijacking my passport was quite unnecessary . . . : D

Anyhoo, a train ride and a taxi trip later we arrived at the flats, dropped off our stuff and set out into the big bad city of London to find the London Center (our class building) finally, with the help of a friendly policeman (or bobby rather) we made our way to the building. 
Just as most everyone else was leaving.

We were just in time for our non-parliament internship meeting.  As we were guided into the meeting the PRofessor, Cornelius OBoyle, asked us our names.  We answered. He nodded. We sat down.  End of game right?

Laura Bodien?  Where is Laura Bodien? *I raise my hand* "So Laura, we were just talking about you.  Miss Bodien, how on earth does one forget their passport?"

Thus began my infamy as "Laura, the girl who left her passport"

SO thanks everyone for your help and (as the man at the bookstore said) CHEERS! 


  1. I forget if I said this to Stephie or Annie, but either way, 'God loves [you] way too much' :-O

    Keep having a ridiculous trip so the rest of us can enjoy our normal, well-planned, and generally satisfying lives just a smidge more!

  2. Hi, this is your student in 5th grade, Kirsten. I like your story. I suggest you work on your indentaion and capitalization. :) You're the best teacher EVER!!!!! Thanks for a great year so far. God bless <3
