Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dover, Around, Under and Through Life is just like tying your shoe . . .

This weekend was a whirlwind of lovely events including my first ever game of and victory in a game of darts, a trip to the British museum (full of wonderful, magical and mystical things) were we saw the Rosetta stone and figurines from the parthenon among other objects, my first University of London mass (accompanied by free shortbread, yay!) and a daytrip to Dover.

Dover, why Dover?  Well, because that's were my friends were going.  That and they assured me there was a wonderful castle there and some pretty white Cliffs of literary repute.  Lucky for me they weren't lying.

Departing our flats at 7:00 we took a bus to Victoria from which we took a train (choo choo) out into the plush British countryside.  I must confess, after seeing "green" again, I realized how much I miss this little thing we call grass back in the states.  There isn't much of it in Londontown, that's for sure!

Upon arrival in Dover we ate lunch at a cute little cafe where the famous and fabulous John Queally ordered himself a nice cup of tea while the rest of us nibbled on sandwhiches in preparation for the days adventures.

Adventure 1. Climb what had to be at least five hundred and fifty stairs to a plateau leading to a hill (which we also climbed of course) to the entrance of the castle.  After paying our eight pounds we continued on in search of the oldest building in Britain, a lighthouse built by the Romans in the first century.  Simply stunning! But not nearly as beautiful as the tenth century church right next to us that had lovely little signs on the door inviting us to "Come on in."  The doors were locked.  interesting :)  However, the exterior was more than enough to keep us occupied for quite some time.  The magnificence of a beautiful church perched atop God's beautiful creation admiring the sea in all its superior magnificence.  After all, despite the beauty of the Church it didn't hold a candle to the beauty of the natural landscape.   Gosh darn it all!  God out did us humans again, go figure, show off :)  (Javs!  stop tapping your nose!)

From the beautiful Church on a bluff we went down toward the main keep and while it was closed for renovation, we were able to see the old sacristy and chapel for the main castle building as well as several smaller side buildings.  

We proved we were children at heart, however, when we spent a good twenty minutes taking pictures inside of and jumping out of a small hole in the wall . . . :) (Much more spectacular when its out of the side of an old castle, for those of you traveling Europe, I highly suggest you plan it into your shedule - as they say in the U.K.).

Anyhoo, we finished up our self tour and went on to a guided tour of "The Secret WArtime Tunnels" located under the castle and originating from Napoleonic times.  In fact, the castle of Dover was the only castle not to be taken by Napoleon during his conquest . . .  To Be Continued . . .

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